Ivica Balen Apps

Package Explorer 1.0
Ivica Balen
Package Explorer is a simple application thatenables you to explore all the packages installed on a device.Currently it can list all the activities, services, contentproviders and widgets contained within a particular package /application. In addition to that, Package Explorer can also showbasic package information such as its size, the permissionsrequested by the package, the location of the package etc
Geomechanical tools 1.0
Ivica Balen
Geomechanics is a simple applicationthatcomprises two basic tools - the tool for bearingcapacitycalculations and the settlement calculations tool.The bearing capacity calculation part of the applicationconsistsof a single screen (activity), which enables the user toinput thenecessary data for the calculation.The settlement portion of the application consists of 2screens(activities) - the main screen allows the user to inputthenecessary parameters (both geomechanical as well as geometric)andthe settlement layers screen is where you specify alayer'sparameters .